6 Business Postcard Ideas for Direct Mails

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6 Business Postcard Ideas for Direct Mails
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Our consumeristic era was definitely created by marketers, they came up with various ideas and techniques to catch people into their nets and turn them into customers and loyal clients. Digitalized relationships made it easy to reach the necessary client and target group. However, the more advertisements people get, the more resentful they become, as everything has its limits. The webspace is cluttered by ads and super offers. Everything is created to catch the customer’s attention, who is just tired of everything and seems to be ignorant about the efforts the business makes.

With such a crowded-like approach, the best technique to follow will be a traditional one combined with simplicity and freedom of choice. Instead of aggressive ads, and popping-up windows, gentle personalized postcards with offers and suggestions. How to make the postcards work efficiently without being too pushy and obsessive?

1. Make it personal

When appealing to a crowd, there is a slim chance to be heard and noticed. Yet, when talking directly to the person, you are more likely to deliver the message clearly.

The business card must be personal, including the name of the person. It’s an unfailing way to catch the person’s attention.

2. Design

Design talks to the customer through a variety of tools including fonts, colors, images, background, and layout.

The first thing to remember - keep it simple. Simplicity that is uncluttered and free of excessive details, not the one that is plain. Not too embellished, just the right balance of everything. The images must look perfect, as there’s nothing worse than a low-quality picture because it creates the illusion that the company doesn’t care about its clients. The imagery must strike the right mood and declare a clear message.

The list of fonts to choose from is huge - from whimsical ones to classic and standard ones. When creating the postcard, it’s better to choose the basic ones, as they are more pleasant and don’t irritate the eyes.

The layout also matters, the postcard space must be evenly divided between informational blocks. Not too many details to mention, avoid wordiness, just the main hooks, benefits, and contacts.

As long as the design requires particular knowledge or skills, at least the basic ones, you can use online services that offer a variety of postcards designs, letting you choose the patterns that help to express your vision.

3. Qr code

After looking at the postcard, the person needs to know what to do next. Typically the website or pages are mentioned so that people proceed further. However, it will not work, as googling the website will seem like a loss of time. Therefore, give preference to a quicker and easier way of the track by sharing the QR code. It will be a logical step in the whole chain of customers’ journey towards your goods and services.

4. Brand identity

The whole postcard must show the philosophy behind the brand - a logo, a slogan, unique colors, essential contact information - everything the brand is recognizable for. Just one look should be enough to understand whose postcard it is.

5. Call-to-action statement

When reading the postcard, a reader expects to see what to do next. Just sharing the information about the brand is not enough, you need to plan the whole way, to make the person reach the website and buy something. The call-to-action statement must be clear, with no ambiguous claims. “Use this card to get a 10% discount”, “Use this promo code for…”, “Create the account and get the discount”, etc. When reading a personal appeal, the reader will automatically have an impulse to follow it.


Avoid false claims with lots of conditions typed with the small font in the footheaders????, or even worse, explained only on the website. Those will automatically send your offers to the trash bin.

6. Value for money

A postcard without special and personalized offers will never work its way toward the customer. People like to count money and know its value. When offering a bargain, there are high chances of attracting a new client, as everyone likes to save money. When seeing the prices like

  1. a) 700$ → 500$
  2. b) 500$,

the majority will opt for variant A, as they see that this offer is a good value for money, despite the fact that the price is identical.

Another option to try is a promo or redeeming code, which is taken as a personal offer because it’s mentioned in the personalized card. A loyalty card, a discount, a present, a 1+1 offer - plenty of ways to make a person your client.

This approach works especially well when you need to introduce a new product, as it’s quite challenging to make people change their habitual preferences. However, when they see and understand the financial difference, the situation can quickly change.

Marketing is a great force, it makes people want the things they don’t really need just by using special approaches, techniques, and methods. However, all the dominance of advertisement made people tired of it and even irritated. That’s why it’s worth choosing a more patient and traditional way of targeting your customer - direct and personalized emails. This is the way to create a trustworthy relationship between business and client, creating an old-fashioned way of communication and correspondence.

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