
How You Can Help Your Employees Build A Better Work-Life Balance

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Let’s look at how you as an employer can help your employees build a better work-life balance.

Having a good work-life balance is essential for the sound mental health of employees and highly influences their productivity. With tighter work deadlines and schedules getting busier than ever, it's becoming increasingly difficult for employees to strike the perfect balance between personal life and work life.

It is obvious for employees to want better control of their time in order to prevent the lines between career and leisure to start blurring. In fact, it has been proved through multiple surveys that employees who maintain a good work-life balance are more efficient at their jobs. 

Let’s look at how you as an employer can help your employees build a better work-life balance:

  1. Encourage them to monitor time :

To have better control over their time, employees need to be aware of how exactly their time is getting spent. Using a time tracking software makes it easy for employees to monitor their time by showing them how much time is being spent on a particular task. Once employees know how much time they are investing on a given project in a day, they can schedule their time better to make the most of their work day. 

One of the most prominent features of a time tracking software is it has online accounting integrated with QuickBooks for seamless invoice generation. The best part about QuickBooks time tracking app is that it helps employees to focus better on the task at hand without having to unnecessarily switch between tabs or softwares and saves wastage of their valuable work time.

  1. Provide Flexibility :

To prevent burn out due to excessive work that just keeps stretching and leading to employees staying in office overtime, provide more flexibility to the employees to finish work from home. This helps them to deliver the work conveniently before the deadline from the ease of their home whilst being there for their family.

This also includes providing flexibility to working parents by allowing them to leave on time or to work remotely when needed or even coming into the office over the weekend to make up for an emergency leave. 

  1. Allow time-offs and Vacations :

Even the most stable and productive employees feel the need to have some time away from their work life to rejuvenate. Consider offering paid vacation to the employees so they can come back in a better form to deal with the work pressures of their job, thus enhancing their work life balance. 

It goes without saying that it is crucial that employees take time-offs during the day for maintaining good physical as well as mental health. It can be bothersome to stare continuously at a screen for a long number of hours. Taking a break in between work refreshes them, making them come back feeling more focused.

  1. Prioritize health of employees :

It is essential for employees to have some form of physical activity during the day or even after work hours are over. It can do wonders for their revitalization considering they are sitting in a single place for the most part of the day at work. Incorporate sport activities in the office premises to allow them to have a cool-off period. 

Exercise is another positive way to reduce work pressure and feel better about oneself. Having a gym facility in the office premises lets your employees de-stress without having to spend time in transit. If the office building doesn’t have this amenity, you can show your employees that you value their health by offering them a discount on the membership of a gymming centre nearby.


It has become highly necessary now for companies to get noticed for encouraging employee work-life balance which helps in attracting valuable candidates during the hiring process. This also produces a higher employee retention rate saving the company a lot of time, effort and money.

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