
How Can HR Tools Help You Improve Employee Management

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How Can HR Tools Help You Improve Employee Management
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We are delving into the world of HR tech tools, breaking down HR analytics, HR automation, and exactly how your HR team can revolutionize how they work.

The world of Human resources is one that relies greatly on technology to run smoothly. Especially in our post-covid workplaces, HR teams are using meeting platforms, organizational tools, scheduling systems, and hiring solutions to make their jobs more efficient.

Due to the balance of human-human contact with data-driven metrics that HR relies upon, this is a prime department that can use HR tools to improve its daily operations. Where tech tools can be integrated, an HR department can streamline its processes and deliver a better experience to connected employees.

In this article, we’ll be delving into the world of HR tech tools, breaking down HR analytics, HR automation, and exactly how your HR team can revolutionize how they work.

What Is HR Analytics?

If HR automation is about using tools to speed up internal processes, what is HR analytics? Simply put, HR analytics is using data insights that those tools produce for your teams. Instead of leaving HR up to emotional decision-making, pulling analytics from your connected HR tools can give you a more concrete base of facts to work from.

Depending on the specific HR tools that you use, the analytics that they produce may vary. For example, one of your pieces of communication software might give you an overview of how many messages or emails each employee sends. At the same time, your onboarding tools demonstrate how quickly different teams are onboarding new talent.

Once you’ve got your favorite HR tools up and running, using the analytics that they produce can help you to further streamline the entire process. You could get insight into a whole range of different aspects of your HR department:

  • Time to hire a position
  • Revenue per department
  • How much each employee costs to train
  • Offer acceptance vs. rejection rate

These are only a small representation of all the data you can obtain when integrating technology into your HR department. What’s measured is improved upon!

How Can HR Automation Streamline My Business?

The process of incorporating new tech tools into your HR department might come with a steep learning curve. But, with that said, if it takes a week of training to then automate a process for life, that’s definitely a good time investment for your company.

Within HR, using automation tools can help you improve how you manage your employees. Here are a few core areas where integrating automation tools into HR can work wonders:

  • Speed Up Recruitment
  • Decrease Unconscious Bias
  • Automate Onboarding and Offboarding
  • Set Up Your Payroll

Let’s break these down further.

Speed Up Recruitment

The average time to hire in the US during 2022 is 41 days. That’s an incredibly long time, without mentioning the potential cost of following through with this process. Luckily, with help from technology, this process does not need to keep your HR department busy for more than a week or so.

If you automate the CV collection and interview candidate selection process, you’re able to cut out the vast majority of the recruitment process. Using automated tools which move through CVs and select candidates based on qualities you’re looking for will help you generate a list of suitable candidates.

From there, you only need to interview and select who you’ll give the job to.

Decrease Unconscious Bias

Unconscious bias is present throughout any hiring process. If your HR department manages recruitment without automatic tools, then your business could be suffering from a lack of diversity. Although unintentional, everyone is guilty of unconscious bias. When in a position of power during the hiring process, too many points of human contact can lead to affinity bias and could result in the wrong candidate winning a position.

By turning to automated recruitment, you’re able to remove any personal factors from a pool of CVs. Using AI tools will allow your HR department to look through all of the candidates without their bias impacting a final decision.

From there, everyone is treated completely equally, with all the most qualified candidates being offered an interview.

Automate Onboarding and Offboarding

Both onboarding and offboarding employees is a highly regulated and formulaic processes. No matter which department the employee is transitioning to or from, they’re going to go through a similar process of signing documents and going through learning modules.

Especially if you’re in a larger business, HR doesn’t have time to continually spend their days onboarding or onboarding new members. While an exit interview might be needed here and there, these processes shouldn’t take up too much time. Once you’ve formulated all required documents and processes, you can then use automatic tools to distribute everything to the correct people.

With this in place, instead of having to move through the entire process, your HR team needs only enter the work email address of the person that’s joining or leaving your company. Considering how vital both these stages are, it’s good to automate these common processes to save as much time as possible.

Set Up Your Payroll

Automating payroll is often one of the first major tech overalls that your HR department will implement. No matter what your business is or what field you work in, you’ll have to pay your employees. With this in mind, a large-scale organization that doesn’t automate payroll is going to be losing thousands of hours a year to monotonous allocation exercises.

By using automatic payroll platforms, your HR team can save hours every single week. Instead of having to manually pay employees or enter their hours in, the team can simply set up a payment on an employee basis.

For salaried positions, HR will be able to see how much each employee should be paid each month. Once you’ve entered this amount into the system, your payroll solution will do the rest, ensuring everyone is fairly compensated on payday.

Final Thoughts

HR is an integral part of any business, one that oversees nearly every part of a company’s interaction with its employees. From making sure they get paid to ensuring there are enough employees to start with, HR manages everything on the human side of an organization.

Due to the sheer quantity of distinct processes that are continuously occurring in HR, it’s important to make sure that your teams feel supported. The best way of decreasing workload and increasing output is to make sure your HR team has access to automated tools. By automating a range of their day-to-day processes, you can free up their time to spend on other pressing matters. An efficient HR team is one that is fully data-driven, pushed to be more productive by the series of automation tools that your organization affords them.

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