
Advantages and Disadvantages of Print-On-Demand Business

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Print-On-Demand Business
Image by Gerd Altmann
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Starting a business that uses an on-demand printer can be fun and exciting but there are a few advantages and disadvantages to opening this type of business. 

When the pandemic hit, many of your friends probably opened eCommerce stores. Some of those friends were successful, and others returned to their usual office grind. Suppose you are thinking of printing t-shirts and novelty items via one of several print on-demand companies in Canada. In that case, you should know there are a few advantages and disadvantages to opening this type of business. 


If you have a great idea for a t-shirt, it has never been easier to make your vision a reality. All you have to do is go online and find an on-demand printing company. Upload your t-shirt design to the company website or design a shirt using the company's tools. After that, just select a size and style of t-shirt. The company will print it and send it to you.

A Chance To Sell Your Own Designs

Most eCommerce stores offer cheap products that are made overseas and stored in a drop shipping warehouse. Many of these stores sell the same thing as their competitors and are likely to have to pay for advertising to make themselves stand out from their competition. 

When you offer t-shirts that you design yourself, no one will have a product that is just like yours. Not only will you get to express yourself creatively, but it will give you a competitive edge against other e-commerce stores.

Very Little Investment 

Nothing is worse than opening a small business and losing all your money. people with a dream of starting a small business often end up taking a second mortgage out on their homes or spending their children's college funds just to keep their dream alive.

The one great thing about owning any e-commerce store is that there is very little investment involved. Most eCommerce platforms offer a two-week free trial. After that, you can run the store for around $29 a month and can cancel it anytime. Your children's college funds will be safe.

Seamless Service 

If you choose your on-demand printer wisely, customers can easily order your products. The on-demand printer should be able to link directly to your eCommerce store. So, when your customers order a product, the on-demand printer will take their fee out of the payment, print the item the customer ordered, and send it to them. Your customers may never even know that they went through a third party. 

A good on-demand drop shipping warehouse will have a wide variety of clothing and novelty items on which your design might appear. They should also have a good selection of colors and sizes as well.

Getting Attention For Your Product is Simple

If you have a Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram page, you can easily get your product out in front of people. If you think people do not want to commit to the $15 or $20 a t-shirt would cost, you can always put your design on a mug. 

You will have the most luck if you target people who are likely to buy your product. For instance, if you have a design for democrats, join Facebook groups for democrats and post your shirt there. If you have a shirt for republicans, hashtag them on Twitter.

You should look for an on-demand company that has been around for a few years since you should be leery of fly-by-night companies when you own an eCommerce store. 


There are a few disadvantages of which to be aware when you use an on-demand printer.


When you first start out, you will save plenty of money by using an on-demand printer. Instead of ordering a bunch of shirts and storing them in your garage, the on-demand printer will take them from an enormous warehouse and print them up. However, your customers will have to pay a bit more for shirts when they order them, and you will get less profit. It is best to start out using the on-demand printer and explore other options if you are successful.


When one of your customers orders a shirt, they will expect to get it on a certain date. If the printer does not get it to them on time, the customer will blame you, not them. That means you may end up having to give a partial refund or two.

Starting a business that uses an on-demand printer can be fun and exciting. Just remember to look for a reputable company that allows your customers to place and receive orders easily.

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