
Books on PESTLE Analysis: What to Look For

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Plenty of information about PESTLE analysis exists online — in fact, a majority of it is available here. But what about books on PESTLE analysis?

External factors affect businesses, whether we like it not. These factors can be broken down into six categories which make up PESTLE analysis.

Plenty of information about PESTLE analysis exists online — in fact, a majority of it is available here.

But what about books about PESTLE analysis? It’s nice to have knowledge tucked away into our back pocket. And there are several books available — yet most are questionable.

We’ve located a couple authentic PESTLE analysis books, but first: what to look before being buying.

What to look for in books on PESTLE analysis

PESTLE analysis is used to highlight the effects of external forces on a business. Several books exist about PESTLE analysis, but not all are worth the money.

Before buying one of these books, do your research. Many are very short eBooks without much depth. They sometimes take articles readily available (on Wikipedia and other online sites) and stuff them together as a “new” product.

Specifically look out for:

The company or author: Without this person/people, the book would’ve never been made. But are they reputable? Or have you never heard of them before and can’t find information about them online?

The publication date: Assuming it’s available, how many years ago was the book published? The information may still be relevant. But older content has a higher chance of referencing old political laws or discussing important technology like Myspace. Clearly, we don’t want outdated references when doing PESTLE analysis.

The blurb: Otherwise known as the summary that explains what the reader will learn. Some PESTLE analysis books we’ve located have the same copy and paste summary on at least three “different” books. And it doesn’t even reference PESTLE! Stay clear of “mysterious” books like this.

Two authentic PESTLE analysis books

1. PESTLE Analysis: Prepare the Best Strategies in Advance

Available: Kindle; paperback
Cost: $4.75; $7.99

Published: September 17 2015

Author/Company: 50Minutes.com

This book makes one big promise: you’ll be able to incorporate the advantages of PESTLE analysis within 50 minutes. In the end, you’ll have the best strategies, provided by PESTLE, to advance your business. This book highlights the many uses of analysis within a business framework, identifying key variables within the political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors affecting businesses.

Most importantly, you’ll use this book to understand how these factors affect your business to create a plan to prevent or encourage future scenarios that will benefit you.

This company also has books about other strategic tools including SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces.

It can be purchased here.

2. What is PESTLE Analysis?

Available: eBook

Cost: $8.99

Published: N/A

Author: Paul Newton

PESTLE analysis is a tool of strategy, often used by management and non-profit organizations. During this read, you’ll identify the six key external factors that affect business. Specifically, the book teaches you how to use this analysis with other strategic tools; how to conduct your own PESTLE analysis; and how to avoid major pitfalls by utilizing the analysis to your advantage.

It touches on one major factor that many books and articles fail to realize: the relevance of PESTLE analysis to you and your business. It helps you acknowledge the factors while reflecting why it matters in your specific situation.

It can be purchased here.

Image: Likoper/Shutterstock.com

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