
How To Market And Grow Your New Cleaning Business

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A successful cleaning business requires good marketing and growth strategies. Check out this blog post for some helpful tips.

As you start your cleaning business, your primary goal is to thrive and survive in this competitive landscape. Growing your business isn't a one-time event; it's an ongoing process that requires strategic planning and execution. That's where marketing comes in.

Marketing is the key to the success of any business. It's a process wherein you promote and sell your services to potential clients. This serves as your communicator to your target market. In other words, it's the bridge that links you to your consumers and helps drive business growth.

If you're new to the world of marketing, this article will give you some essential tips on how to market and grow your new cleaning business.


1. Consider investing in SMART technology

Technology is a significant part of business growth. It helps you automate processes, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. And when it comes to marketing, technology provides a wide range of tools that can help you reach your target market.

Customer expectations have changed dramatically in recent years, and clients now expect a higher standard of service—faster, more convenient, and more reliable. So, if you want to market and grow your new cleaning business, you should consider investing in advanced technology so that you can achieve these things for your customers too.

This can benefit you in several ways. For instance, apps like this cleaning software from Jobber have been developed specifically to support small residential cleaning businesses with their internal administrative tasks and systems. This affordable innovative solution can enable you to schedule appointments, manage customer information, and process payments, all from one place. It benefits your customers by offering them a wholly professional experience with you, as well as integrating with social media platforms where you can begin to market yourself to a new audience and generate new business leads.

You can also use this technology to help you better determine how much to charge for your services. To be able to operate at your desired profit levels, it is essential to calculate your exact business and overhead costs so that you are operating sustainably. What you don’t want to do is simply charge what your competitors are because that seems about right, only to realize this doesn’t cover your bills.

With the right software, you can calculate job estimates automatically and send quotes promptly to customers who make enquiries. Not only will it help you provide fast customer service, but it will also allow you to market your business at a fair price.


2. Increase brand awareness online

The internet is a powerful tool that can help your business reach a wider audience. It's a great source of information, which is why people often use it to search for any products or services they may need. You can use this to your advantage and utilize digital marketing to create an online presence for your business.

Here are several ways you can do it:

  • Create a website. Your website will essentially function as your virtual storefront. It's where you can provide detailed information about your business, services, and rates. Be sure to include photos or a portfolio to showcase your work, as well as your business contact information so potential clients can reach you.
  • Use social media. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, are excellent ways to connect with your target market. You can create a page or account dedicated to your business on your preferred platforms and use these channels to post updates, promos, and deals.
  • Utilize online directories. List your business on online directories, such as Google My Business and Yelp. This way, potential clients can easily find you when they search for cleaning services in their area.
  • Invest in online advertising. This method allows you to target your audience through platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads. You can use online ads to promote your website, social media pages, or online listings.
  • Make use of email marketing. This strategy is a great way to keep in touch with your existing clients and reach out to potential ones. You can send out monthly newsletters, coupons, and other promotional materials to your subscribers.
  • Work on your SEO. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your website so that it ranks higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). This way, you can increase your chances of being seen by potential clients searching for cleaning services online.

3. Host events

An online presence is essential, but it's also vital to engage with your community offline. Hosting events is a great way to market your business and connect with potential customers in person. It's also an excellent approach to generate buzz and build brand awareness.

You can host a grand opening for your business or participate in community events, such as fairs and festivals. These are great opportunities to advertise your cleaning services, so it would be best to bring flyers, business cards, and other promotional materials. Hosting and participating in events will allow you to interact with your target market personally and promote your business in a more intimate setting.


The cleaning industry is a potentially lucrative market if you know how to market and grow your business well. To make your business stand out, you should put extra effort into marketing and carefully plan your promotional strategies. Use the guidelines mentioned above, and you can be well on your way to growing a successful cleaning business in no time.

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