
3 Ways Analysts Increase Business Agility

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Business analysts have the knowledge to uncover problem areas and develop a solution. Here are three ways they can increase agility within a corporation.

Business analysts express appropriate knowledge to uncover problem areas and develop a business solution. The goal is to reduce challenges and, by proxy, help the business do better. Better, of course, varies by the company. But all businesses benefit from one thing: Agility.

Here are three distinct ways business analysts can increase agility within a corporation.

1. Unveiling surprise threats

Business analysts are on-boarded because of a particular issue that needs handling. They’re expected to assess the problem, document information, and analyze the situation to produce actionable solutions. Analysts must:

  • Intimately learn the company inside and out
  • Meet with employees for interviews
  • Document the process of finding solutions

Throughout, they may uncover additional problems still unknown to stakeholders and leadership. Knowing additional problems exist could cost the company more than expected. But it must be handled. Otherwise, the analyst is applying a band-aid to a gunshot wound. It works… for now. But it does nothing for the hemorrhaging issues.

Documenting any potential problem areas increases agility because it allows for a plan of action now rather than later. Because later, these additional challenges may erupt, making it impossible to handle the area concisely with little consequence.

2. The right solution based on expert analysis

Business analysts use various types of analysis. Some are more necessary than others, depending on the company, the problem, and the expected results. Using the most appropriate analysis for the situation allows the analyst to outline solutions for the stakeholder.

A solution is based on expert knowledge and research. It requires a level of dedication and time other parties aren’t able to achieve. Business analysts conclude the best solution based on the information gathered.

Employees, leadership, and stakeholders focus on what they do best while the analyst fills holes caused by internal complications. The business continues to function, although not at the best capacity,  since that isn’t possible until the solution is implemented. After the areas of concern are handled, agility may even skyrocket.

3. Analysts open communication floodgates

We know communication is critical to any business. If the message is lost, so are the results.

But people communicate differently — you may thrive when reading pages of documentations, while your coworker passes out the moment reading is mentioned. Others succeed by communicating directly with superiors, while some feel most confident having written records.

Typically companies communicate in one way: the method best suited for the enterprise. But that’s not necessarily the best way for Manager Tom to communicate. And this can cause issues for analysts.

They may need to interview, oversee, or mentor employees when changes are happening. If they can’t get a hold of Tom or he doesn’t provide necessary information, it’s a massive headache for the analyst.

Analysts learn how each member communicates and uses it to their advantage. They may bring this up to management or stakeholders, especially if the company is struggling with communication.

Issues cause problems, defects, and complicate reaching goals, and your analyst can supply solutions to prevent these. Because when everyone is communicating effectively, results happen quickly.

Image “wocintech (microsoft) - 48” by WOCinTech Chat is licensed under CC 2.0

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