Dyson SWOT Analysis: Strong R&D, Weak International Presence

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Our Dyson SWOT analysis enables us to see what internal and external factors impact the operations of Dyson, pointing out the brand's strengths and weaknesses.

Imagine you are tasked to clean a room full of dust in the shortest possible time. What vacuum cleaner will you choose to make your job easy? The answer to this question is easy, Dyson's vacuum cleaners.

Dyson's vacuum cleaners are considered one of the best because of their ability to take in all the dirt without getting blocked.

Besides the vacuum cleaners, I am sure all of you guys reading this article must have at least one home appliance made by Dyson in your homes.

Dyson is a well-known brand that offers good-quality home appliances. Some of the famous products that Dyson offer are vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, air purifiers, bladeless fans, hand dryers, and heaters.

Since Dyson is famous for offering quality home appliances, let's carry out Dyson SWOT Analysis to get an insight into such a famous brand. This SWOT analysis will enable us to see what internal and external factors impact the operations of Dyson and will go hand-in-hand with our PESTLE analysis of Dyson.

Before proceeding to the SWOT analysis, let's look at the history of how Dyson was established and evolved over the years.


The story of Dyson is very dramatic. It was established by a man named James Dyson in Britain in 1991. The backstory of how James got motivated to establish Dyson is quite impressive.

It all started with a blocked vacuum cleaner. James Dyson was once cleaning his house, and the vacuum he was using stopped working. When James dismantled the vacuum cleaner, he saw that the bag inside the vacuum was clogged.

This made James think that he should invent bagless vacuum cleaners. To convert this thought into a reality, he should learn how industrial cleaners never get clogged. After analyzing the design of industrial cleaners, James Dyson started working on making bagless vacuum cleaners.

It took James 5,127 attempts and 15 years to develop a bagless vacuum cleaner. Initially, big brands like Hoover didn't acknowledge James's product as a threat. Later in 1993, Apex, a Japanese company, used his design.

The money earned by selling its design to Apex was used by James to establish Dyson. The company was initially established in the UK. However, Dyson decided to move to Malaysia to exploit the business opportunities.

The company, which only manufactured vacuum cleaners when it was established, now sells several different products. Currently, Dyson offers its products in more than 65 countries.

Recently, Dyson has been considered one of the best home appliance offering companies. In 2021, Dyson managed to generate revenue of $7.4 billion.

Now that we looked into the history of Dyson and the company's current operations. Let's proceed further and carry out Dyson's SWOT Analysis.

A SWOT analysis identifies an organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. A SWOT template is used to see what internal and external factors impact an organization's operations.

After knowing what SWOT analysis is so, let's carry out a Dyson SWOT analysis to find out more about the company.

Strengths of Dyson

Every company possesses some strengths that provide it an edge and helps it to stay relevant in the industry. In this first section of the SWOT analysis, let's analyze some strengths of Dyson.

Innovative Products

Brands are always running behind innovation because they know innovation attracts customers. Imagine, for a second, what type of product would you buy, a conventional or highly innovative product with a fancy design and cool functions? Definitely the latter product.

Dyson is famous for offering innovative products to its customers. Look at the history of Dyson. You'll realize that the first product of Dyson was highly innovative. It entered the market with a bagless vacuum cleaner.

Even today, Dyson offers several products, and each product is more innovative than those offered in the market.

Strong R&D Department

In today's era of technology, brands need to move with the changing technology.

Dyson is a leading global manufacturer of hand dryers, vacuum cleaners, and other innovative products. Research and development play a significant role in making Dyson successful. The research team at Dyson headquarters is dedicated to finding new ways to create products that make life easier for everyday consumers.

Every research angle is focused on, including rigorous testing and extensive product design proposals before the prototypes are created. Dyson has a skilled team of 4,000 engineers and scientists. Every week, Dyson spends $12 million on research and development.

High-Quality Products

Businesses aim to provide high-quality products to their consumers because, in the eyes of consumers, quality really matters. Dyson is famous for providing good quality products.

Dyson engineers and designers spend years testing and creating products that only undergo rigorous testing before they are given to consumers. In addition, they adhere to the highest quality standards in their manufacturing process to provide a fully functional and highly durable product.

Having high-quality products provides an edge to Dyson in the market. As a result, Dyson has a loyal customer base.


Weaknesses of Dyson

No matter how big an organization is, it will always lack in some areas. The weaknesses section in the SWOT analysis represents the shortcomings of an organization. In this section, we discuss some of Dyson's weaknesses.

High Priced Products

Customers are always looking to buy cheap products. Although prices increase as quality increases, customers are never willing to understand this.

Dyson is one of the world's leading home appliance companies. However, the products they make are considered expensive and are not welcomed by most customers.

Dyson products are priced relatively high, and their competitors are much cheaper. This could be a problem for Dyson as many people think their product is overpriced and not worth the money.


Brands try their best to avoid controversies because they damage their reputation. As a result, they can lose their customer base. Talking of Dyson, the home appliance brand has been involved in several controversies.

Dyson has been a part of controversies and lawsuits from the start. In 1985, Dyson sued the famous company Amway for copying its design. Besides Amway, it sued some other brands as well.

The series of lawsuits didn't just end there. In recent times, Dyson has been sued for different reasons. In 2022, Dyson was sued for forcing and exploiting its workforce. Besides that, Dyson lost a case in 2021 over EU energy labeling rules. As compensation for that, Dyson had to pay $198 million.

Limited Presence Internationally

Brands tend to expand their operations internationally to increase their customer base because an increased customer base means an increase in revenue. Dyson conducts overseas operations, but they are very limited.

Dyson currently has manufacturing plants in Malaysia, Singapore, China, and the Philippines, but that's not enough. Dyson needs to expand internationally to attain growth by achieving economies of scale by producing in countries with cheap labor and excess raw materials.


Opportunities Present for Dyson

Opportunities are the chances provided by the environment to the businesses practicing. Every business comes across opportunities to succeed. This section will shed light on a few opportunities for Dyson.

Global Expansion

Multinational companies expand internationally so that they can increase their customer base. Global expansions increase revenue and provide an opportunity to tap untapped markets. Although Dyson is a renowned brand, it has limited operations internationally.

This provides Dyson an opportunity to expand its operations to more countries. For example, Dyson can sell franchises or establish manufacturing plants internationally. This will provide Dyson with an opportunity to operate in international markets, which will increase its revenue.


Brands look forward to diversifying their portfolio because they know the significance of diversification. Diversification is important because it minimizes the risk and increases the customer base. In addition, businesses develop multiple sources of revenue after diversifying their portfolio, which makes a company financially strong.

Dyson entered the industry by offering a vacuum cleaner. Almost 40 years have passed, yet Dyson only specializes in electronic home appliances. Although Dyson hasn't quite diversified its portfolio yet, it's never too late.

Dyson can move towards diversification by entering the retail industry and establishing a retail store like Walmart or Tesco. By doing so, Dyson can multiply its sources of revenue and increase its customer base.

Using AI In Products

Innovation is crucial for any company to keep itself relevant and increase revenue. We live in a world that is getting technologically equipped daily. Artificial Intelligence has emerged as a recent phenomenon used by companies such as Tesla.

Seeing brands like Tesla working with AI allows Dyson to embrace AI and use it in its product to improve the user experience. Dyson can use AI in its products to facilitate its users.

This can be a breakthrough in the home appliance industry since AI in home appliance products isn't common.


Threats Faced by Dyson

Threats are worries that every business faces from the external environment. These threats must be countered timely, or else they can cause damage to the brand. This is the last section of the SWOT analysis, and in this section, we will look into what threats Dyson faces.

Cheap Products Available In the Market

Consumers are always running after cheap products. Money is considered to be the major force that influences the process of decision-making. Brands know the psyche of the consumers, which is why they tend to sell products at lower than the market price.

The home appliance industry has several suppliers. As a result, multiple options are available for customers to switch. Dyson's products are relatively expensive because of their quality and innovation.

This acts as a threat for Dyson since, in the future, customers may switch to cheaper alternatives that will end up decreasing the revenue of Dyson.

Russia-Ukraine War

Russia is considered to be a big market due to its population. Therefore, many companies generate a significant share of their revenue by operating in Russia. However, at the start of 2022, a war between Russia and Ukraine broke out. As a result, many brands suspended their operations in Russia.

Dyson is one of the brands that used to supply its products to Russia and earn a significant share of its revenue by selling products in Russia. However, after the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Dyson decided to suspend its operation in Russia.

This is causing Dyson to observe financial losses. If the war doesn't stop timely, Dyson will experience severe losses.

High Competition

Brands are always worried about high competition because high competition leads to lower profits as the customer base is divided between the brands. Competition in the home appliance industry is very high due to the similarity of products.

Dyson has to fight hard with its competitors to maintain its position in the market. Some brands that act as competitors to Dyson are Sony and Samsung. However, if the competition increases in the future, the profit margins of Dyson will shrink.

Dyson SWOT Analysis: Final Word

Dyson is a renowned brand in the home appliance industry. It offers several products, such as vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, straighteners, etc.

The band was initially established in Britain. However, later it moved to Malaysia to gain benefits from the healthy business environment in Malaysia. Currently, Dyson is considered a big brand that operates in several countries across the globe.

In this article, we proceeded and carried out Dyson's SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis highlighted the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats faced by Dyson. In addition, Dyson's SWOT Matrix enabled us to see what internal and external factors impact the operations of Dyson.

This article's purpose was to provide insight into Dyson and make you aware of how to conduct a SWOT analysis which you can design as a SWOT table. If you want to know more about SWOT analysis, look at some of other examples.

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